MAVA Inc. Group Show
Seeing is believing
3rd July – 26th July 2024
MAVA Inc. showcases a selection of works by its members, featuring small pieces (40x40cm and under) centered around the theme of the Unbelievable. What does it mean to be Unbelievable? Is it an extraordinary engineering achievement, a natural marvel, or a mythical creature? Each artist offers their unique interpretation of the unbelievable.
Step into the Unbelievable: An Exhibition to be Explored.
Robyn Canning
Fairy Spirit
Mixed media – watercolourground watercolour gel pen
AUD 180
Fairy Spirit
Mixed media – watercolourground watercolour gel pen
AUD 180
Natasja van Wyk
Mirror or Monitor? The two faced observer
Textile stretched on canvas
31x40cm, AUD 250
Mirror or Monitor? The two faced observer
Textile stretched on canvas
31x40cm, AUD 250
Clara Batton Smith
The Mapinguari
Textile~ wool felt cotton floss needle felted cavoodle fur fibre-fil
35x40x11cm, AUD 950
The Mapinguari
Textile~ wool felt cotton floss needle felted cavoodle fur fibre-fil
35x40x11cm, AUD 950
Jacinta Payne
Royal Blue Abode
Found object assemblage sculpture including abandoned bird nest wire and twigs
AUD 125
Royal Blue Abode
Found object assemblage sculpture including abandoned bird nest wire and twigs
AUD 125
Filomena Roberts
Every Conflict Ever
ink on paper resistors and embroidery thread
AUD 350
Every Conflict Ever
ink on paper resistors and embroidery thread
AUD 350
Clara Batton Smith
Textile~ wool felt cotton applique yarn found wood
AUD 750
Textile~ wool felt cotton applique yarn found wood
AUD 750
Geoff Cunningham
OMG (Mindless Moment #3)
Acrylic, aerosol & collage on canvas
AUD 800
OMG (Mindless Moment #3)
Acrylic, aerosol & collage on canvas
AUD 800
Rishu Kapoor
Elephant Head-Ganesha
Mixed Media on water colour paper with gold leaf work
AUD 310
Elephant Head-Ganesha
Mixed Media on water colour paper with gold leaf work
AUD 310